Compliance Management

Compliance Program

Accordingly, to support constant growth and development as the world's leading shipbuilding & marine engineering company, SHI-MCI fze introduced its 'Compliance Program' in 2010 in order to reinforce compliance management and ensure the fulfillment of all relevant laws and regulations.

The work of SHI-MCI fze Compliance Program includes reflecting the circulation process in management through 'Establishment of CP standard/procedure' > 'Education/ Implementation' > 'Check/Monitoring' > 'Evaluation/Report'. The Compliance Team in charge of Compliance Management established the CP regulation, detailed rules, code of conduct, manual, etc., provides those rules to officers and employees, and educates them to support their daily compliance activities. In addition, to support the inquiries, complaints, concerns about compliance, etc. of officers and employees, we have established and are operating a system for inquiries and reports.

Corporate social responsibility is emerging as a key aspect of corporate management, and the regulations on fair competition, anti-corruption, environmental protection, etc. are becoming increasingly strict.

Compliance Committee

The Compliance Committee, which is chaired by the CEO, is the highest-level decision-making organization for reviewing and deciding major items related to compliance management. A regular meeting of the Committee is convened semi-annually, at which CP performance and supplementary items are reported and a plan and promotional direction for the next half-year are reviewed and decided.

Compliance Team

Led by the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), the Compliance Team is the main organization responsible for CP, and is in charge of the operation of SHI-MCI fze Compliance Program. It establishes the compliance standard and code of conduct, assists the Compliance Committee, and supports voluntary compliance management by officers and employees.

Compliance Performer

The Compliance Performer, which consists of the Compliance Leader (Team Leader) and the Compliance Manager (Head of Department), Compliance Assistant(Working-level Compliance Staff) is responsible for and in charge of compliance management for each unit organization.

Major CP Policies

We are practicing compliance activities in 15 areas, including fair trading, subcontract transaction, anti-corruption, environmental safety, intellectual property, information security, protection of personal information, and more.